Thursday, July 21, 2011

Omg. The pain hurts.

I didn't think it would. Hurt. That. Much.

Suddenly my fantasy kicks in and I want to go far far away. Escapism is reassuring. Escapism is protective healing.

Secretly I am still thinking that the Escapade will erase Reality. And Time would reset itself when I return. To the state that i dream of.

Silly me. Ouch.

The news threw me off course.
I knew the signs were all there, what was I trying to deny? How could I still believe in the naïveté of the farce?

Yet I believed. Maybe that's why the news threw me off course. Of course. Who was I trying to kid? Why am I so blind? Or stupid?

The biggest disappointments in life come from the expectations you build upon others.

Sunday, July 17, 2011


My lovely addiction.

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Top 10 - World's Best Cities

Taken from Travel and Leisure magazine :

World's Best Cities

1. Bangkok, Thailand

2. Florence, Italy

3. Rome, Italy

4. New York City, USA

5. Istanbul, Turkey

6. Cape Town, South Africa

7. Siem Reap, Cambodia

8. Sydney, Australia

9. Barcelona, Spain

10. Paris, France

Let's see how many we can strike off from this list.
And how many we can add on to this list.

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Interesting Finds

I especially like the read on what makes a city liveable. I think the community shapes the city. People make the community. Education and culture shape People. The values and perceptions of People that form our community, that shape the City. And so the cycle goes... 

Very cute.


Time passes too quickly.

Each year at this juncture I pause and realise I have frivolously used a good half of this year. Usually when I sober up from too many parties at mid year do I get my act together. Time to take stock.

I looked back at my new year resolutions for 2011.

I need to work on points 3 and 4.
And I shall add a point 5 for the last half of the year : I shall read more books.

My mind is dying from malnourishment.

I shall read my Murakami this weekend. And I shall read his 1Q84 when it arrives in Spore.